Fakultät für Human- und Sozialwissenschaften


  • Stumpe, B., Bechtel, B. Heil, J., Jörges, C., Jostmeier, A., Kalks, F., Schwarz, K. & Marschner, B., 2023. Soil texture mediates the surface cooling effect of urban and peri-urban green spaces during a drought period in the city area of Hamburg (Germany). Science of the Total Environment 897, 165228. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165228
  • Heil, J., Joerges, C. and Stumpe, B. (submitted to Soil Security): Evaluation of using digital photography as a cost-effective tool for the rapid assessment of soil organic carbon at a regional scale in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. (5-Year Impact Factor: 3.92)
  • Schwarz, K., Reinsmann, T., Heil, J., Marschner, B. and Stumpe, B. (submitted to Geoderma): High resolution imaging of surface heat development and other spatial characteristics for analysing spatial heterogeneity and temporal dynamics of microbial hot spots and hot moments in undisturbed soil samples. (5-Year Impact Factor: 6.11)
  • Schwarz, K., Heil, J., Marschner, B. and Stumpe, B. (2021): Hot movements on soil surfaces - Innovative insights into microbial dynamics using passive infrared thermography. Geoderma (385: 114879). (5-Year Impact Factor: 6.11)
  • Joerges, C., Berkenbrink, C, Heil, J., Stumpe, B. (2021): Quantification of morphodynamic variability and sea state damping of plates at the nearshore area in the East Frisian North Sea. Coastal Engeneering (164: 103779). (5-Year Impact Factor: 4.83)
  • Heil, J.; Stumpe, B.; Marschner, B. (2020): Digital photography as a tool for microscale mapping of soil organic carbon and iron oxides. Catena 193:104610. (5-Year Impact Factor: 5.19)
  • Richter, D., Bartig, D., Jost, W., Jörges, C., Stumpe, B., Gold, R., Krogias, C., Tönges, L. (2019): Dynamics of device-based treatments for Parkinson’s disease in Germany from 2010 to 2017: application of continuous subcutaneous apomorphine, levodopa–carbidopa intestinal gel, and deep brain stimulation. Journal of Neural Transmission  126, 879–888. (5-Year Impact Factor: 3.50)
  • Heil, J.; Häring, V.; Marschner, B.; Stumpe, B. (2019): Advantages of fuzzy c-means over k-means clustering in the classification of diffuse reflectance soil spectra. Geoderma 337, 11-21. (5-Year Impact Factor: 6.11)
  • Martz, M., Heil, J., Marschner, B., Stumpe, B. (2019):  Effects of soil organic carbon (SOC) content and accessibility in subsoils on the sorption processes of the model pollutants nonylphenol (4-n-NP) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). Science of the Total Environment 672, 162-173. (5-Year Impact Factor: 3.92)
  • K. Schwarz, J. Heitkötter, B. Marschner, J. Heil and B. Stumpe (2018): The potential of active and passive infrared thermography for identifying dynamics of soil moisture and microbial activity at high spatial and temporal resolution. Geoderma 321: 119-129. (5-Year Impact Factor: 6.11)
  • Heil, J., Michaelis, X., Marschner, B. and Stumpe, B. (2018): The power of Random Forest for the identification and quantification of technogenic substrates in urban soils on the bases of DRIFT spectra. Environmental Pollution 230. (5-Year Impact Factor: 8.07)



Stumpe, B., Lutterbeck S., and Marschner, B. (in Vorbereitung): Identification of factors controlling carbon stocks in top- and subsoils under forest using multivariate statistical analyses. European Journal of Soil Science.

Stumpe, B. Egerer, S. Strücker, J. and Marschner, B. (in Vorbereitung): Sorption of 17α-Ethinylestradiol on fullerne aggregates (nC60) in different solution systems. Chemosphere.

Stumpe, B. Steinweg, B. and Marschner, B. (in Vorbereitung): Schwermetallbelastung von Plasterbettungsmaterialien im Raum NRW. Altlasten Spektrum.


Lillotte, J. Marschner, B., Neuser, R. and Stumpe, B. (2013): The interaction between three organic model contaminants and different multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Environmental Science and Technology (submitted).

Stumpe, B. Michaelis, X., Ligges, U., Steinweg, B. and Marschner, B. (2013): The identification of slages and ashes in urban soils using FT-IR spectroscopy and the random forest classifier. Environmental Science and Technology (submitted).

Michaelis, X., Stumpe, B. Steinweg, b., Ligges, U. and Marschner, B. (2013):Identifizierung technogener Substrate im Boden mittels spektroskopischer Methoden - Neue Möglichkeiten für die gutachterliche Praxis. Bodenschutz, im Druck.


Engel, T., Steinweg, B., Stumpe, B. and Marschner, B. (2012): FTIR-Spektroskopie als Untersuchungsinstrument in der Altlastenbarbeitung Methodenentwicklung - Potenziale - Ausblick. Altlasten Spektrum, 5, 208 - 248.

Stumpe, B. Engel, T., Steinweg, B., Marschner, B. (2012): Application PCA and SIMCA statistical analysis of FT-IR spectra for the classification and identification of environmental slags. Environmental Science and Technology, 46, 3964-3972.

Stumpe, B., Werner, S., Jung, R. Strippel, C. and Marschner, B. (2012): Organic carbon dynamics and enzyme activities in agricultural soils amended with biogas slurry, slurry and sewage sludge. Agricultural Science, 3, 104-113.


Stumpe, B. Weihermüller, L., Marschner, B. (2011): Sample preparation and selection for qualitative and quantitative analyses of soil organic carbon with mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. European Journal of Soil Science 62, 849-862.


Stumpe, B. and Marschner, B. (2010): Organic waste effects on the behaviour of 17β -estradiol, estrone and 17α-ethinylestradiol in agricultural soils in long- and short-term set-ups. Journal of Environmental Quality 39, 907-916.


Stumpe, B. and Marschner, B. (2009b): Dissolved organic carbon from sewage sludge and manure can affect estrogen sorption and mineralization in soils. Environmental Pollution 158, 148-154.

Stumpe, B. and Marschner, B. (2009a): Factors controlling the biodegradation of 17β-estradiol, estrone and 17α-ethinylestradiol in different natural soils. Chemosphere 74,556-562.


Stumpe, B. and Marschner, B. (2007): Effects of long-term sewage sludge application and wastwater irrigation on the mineralization and sorption of 17β-estradiol and testosterone in soils. The Science of the Total Environment 374, 282-291.

Stumpe, B. and Marschner, B. (2007): Abbauverhalten der Steroidhormone 17β-Estradiol und 17α-Ethinylestradiol in verschiedenen Böden. Mitteilungen der deutschen bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 110.279-280.


Stumpe, B. and Marschner, B. (2005): Mineralisation und Sorption der Steroid-hormone Testosteron und 17β-Österadiol in verschiedenen Böden. Mitteilungen der deutschen bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 107. 159-160.